


This Web site was created as an Archive for the Discussions, Files and Albums previously posted to the Pruett/Pruitt/Prewitt DNA Family Group Web site on Because the site will be shut down in September 2014, we have migrated most of its content to this site. Click on the Family Group and other links in the right column to see the archived records.

To fill the void caused by Ancestry's decision to eliminate all DNA Family Group projects, we have created a new Pruett-Pruitt-Prewitt Project on the Family Tree DNA Web site. You can access our new Web site at the following URL:

We hope all our Ancestry members will join us at our WorldFamilies site. We believe this new site can be a vibrant home for Prew-it family members who want to explore their roots and connect with their cousins and other researchers. Since Ancestry has eliminated their Y-DNA testing program, we urge our members to consider having their DNA results transferred to Family Tree DNA. For more on the transfer and testing process, see For more specific information about transferring your Ancestry or other results to FTDNA, please check out this offer from FTDNA - You can transfer your 33 marker or 46 marker Ancestry Y-DNA results to FTDNA for just $19 (please note that a few markers are lost in the transfer since FTDNA and Ancestry test a slightly different set of markers). You can also augment your Ancestry results by purchasing an upgrade to the FTDNA Y-DNA 25 marker or 37 marker tests for $58. The upgrade will result in picking up the missing markers and receiving all of the FTDNA full member benefits. For more information, please see this explanation from FTDNA. Regardless of whether you decide to transfer or upgrade your prior tests, we have decided to display all prior results on the new site. Please see the FTDNA Results page to see our familiar Family Groups A through F.

We would like to see the Forum on our new site become a robust venue for continuing the great discussions we had on Ancestry. Please give it a try. Also, check out the new sections listing the Patriarchs (and Pedigrees) for each Family Group, the Family Histories of two of our groups (contact one of our Administrators to submit an early history of another group), and a Research primer for those new to Genealogy research. Hope to see you soon at our WorldFamilies site.